As you've certainly noticed, I've not been very active during the last months. I had to face some health problems, failures and pains, and I was not ready to share them at this very moment. But today I'm happy to announce that my efforts were not useless: I'm now a mum :D It was a good opportunity to learn knitting, since I had to stay in bed about 3 months! It was not really possible to wear costumes and corsets during my pregnancies, or to begin some important projects. I was really tired. But I've just bought some fabrics this week so I think this means that everything's fine and back to normal today hahaha :D
J'ai des places pour l'Opéra en Juillet, je ne sais pas encore si j'aurai stabilisé mon poids et si je pourrai me corseter en toute sécurité à ce moment-là, si je tente une nouvelle robe, ou si j'en porte une ancienne - espérons alors que mon nouveau tour de poitrine arrive à se faufiler dedans! Au pire, je pense accompagner ma sœur dans sa tournure verte et jouer les photographes en civil pour mon association :)
I've got 2 tickets for the Opera in July, I still don't know what my weight will be, and if I'll be able to wear a corset (security!) at this moment, if I try to make a new dress, or if I wear an old one, hoping that my new breast size will have enough room ^^' If not, I'll certainly go there with my sister in her green dress, and I'll take some pics for my association :D
J'emménage aussi dans ma maison dans 15j, je vais avoir plus de place pour coudre et j'en suis ravie! Je suis actuellement dans un petit 39m² je n'ai qu'une toute petite table, ça aura été galère de coudre la dedans même si j'ai connu pire (18m² à deux!). Bon il manque les meubles encore mais l'espace sera là! Bref les affaires reprennent. Ce n'est pas pour autant que j'aurai le temps de coudre comme il y a quelques années, mais j'espère vraiment m'y remettre tranquillement!
Merci d'être restés fidèles, merci pour vos petits messages et vos questions qui tombent encore régulièrement comme si je n'étais jamais trop partie ♥ Des bisous!
I'm also moving in my house in 2 weeks (I used to live in a small appartment... it was hard to sew there!). We don't have any furniture for the moment, but I'll have enough room and that's great!
Well, I'm back, and I just hope that I'll be able to sew a bit more :D
Thank you so much for still being here. I still receive comments and questions... It's like I've never been away! ♥ XXX !