Yep, here's my little girl, Louise! Born one month ago! During the last event at Vaux, I had learnt about my pregnancy sme days ago. I wasn't very well this day since it was a very hot day, and that I used to feel very bad (and it would last for many many weeks...). The sewing stuff is on hold, but I've knitted a lot! It takes less time to clean up everything, and sewing machines and stuff is very dangerous for young kinds :'D I've got an historic/fantasy project in mind for years, I'd like to sew it soon (for Halloween) but I don't know how my measurements will progress during the next months. Maybe I'll have to wait for 2021 (?) Anyway, I leave you with some knitted works :D
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Another reason why I can't update my blog these days / L'autre raison pour laquelle je ne poste plus ces jours-ci
Voilà voilà :'D Voici ma petite fille, Louise, qui a tout juste 1 mois! A vaux je venais d'appendre ma grossesse, et je n'en menais pas large, en robe à la française, sous plus de 32°C! Et avec la nausée qui n'allait plus me quitter pendant des semaines! Donc la couture est évidemment en pause depuis ce moment-là, mais je tricote à la place! Ça prend moins de temps à ranger et c'est moins dangereux avec des enfants en bas age. J'ai bien un projet de couture histo/fantasy que je voudrais réaliser pour Halloween mais je ne sais pas si j'aurai retrouvé mes mensurations d'ici là :'D Sinon ce sera pour l'année prochaine, on verra. Bise à tous, je vous laisse avec de la laine, pour montrer que je n'ai pas rien foutu!
Yep, here's my little girl, Louise! Born one month ago! During the last event at Vaux, I had learnt about my pregnancy sme days ago. I wasn't very well this day since it was a very hot day, and that I used to feel very bad (and it would last for many many weeks...). The sewing stuff is on hold, but I've knitted a lot! It takes less time to clean up everything, and sewing machines and stuff is very dangerous for young kinds :'D I've got an historic/fantasy project in mind for years, I'd like to sew it soon (for Halloween) but I don't know how my measurements will progress during the next months. Maybe I'll have to wait for 2021 (?) Anyway, I leave you with some knitted works :D
Yep, here's my little girl, Louise! Born one month ago! During the last event at Vaux, I had learnt about my pregnancy sme days ago. I wasn't very well this day since it was a very hot day, and that I used to feel very bad (and it would last for many many weeks...). The sewing stuff is on hold, but I've knitted a lot! It takes less time to clean up everything, and sewing machines and stuff is very dangerous for young kinds :'D I've got an historic/fantasy project in mind for years, I'd like to sew it soon (for Halloween) but I don't know how my measurements will progress during the next months. Maybe I'll have to wait for 2021 (?) Anyway, I leave you with some knitted works :D
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